RAMA BY RAMA is a creation by Fashion Designer Jaime R. Portmann.


From spanish [amar] verb

Translated means ‘To love’

Feel deep affection for (someone).


Pure heart & clear vision


Unlock the essence of kindness and sincerity with a pure heart. It’s the beacon that guides us towards compassion, empathy, and genuine connections. Let your heart shine brightly, untainted by malice or deceit, and watch as it illuminates the world with its purest intentions.


Clear vision is the compass that navigates us through life’s uncertainties. It’s the clarity of purpose, the sharpness of focus, and the unwavering determination to pursue our goals. With clear vision, obstacles become opportunities, and dreams transform into achievable realities. Embrace the clarity, for it is the cornerstone of progress and the pathway to success.


In other cultures Rama means ‘eternal’ and ‘long-lived’. In the hindi mythology Rama represents the Pure Consciousness, the Divine Self.


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